Friday 1 February 2013


Again, not entirely sure what happened in the morning.  Generally wake up about 08:00, wash my face and upper body in a bowl of water as I can't get to a sink, then clean my teeth in a sick bowl of water - just the right size to hold while brushing.

In the afternoon I had visits from my mum, sister, brother and sister in law.  It was really good to see some familiar faces.  I still hadn't worked out that there was a free wifi connection so I couldn't Facebook people (mobile reception was pretty poor).  My sister in law was previously married to a man who lost one of his legs, so she was able to reassure me with stories of how well he coped.

Today was also my brother in law and sister in law's birthday.  One of my nieces (brothers child) fell over at school and was also in hospital with a gash to her forehead!  Thanks to my mum and brother for doing loads of leg work - no pun intended! - like phoning lawyers, researching benefits etc.

I also had my catheter removed today.  NOT a pleasant experience, definitely the worst I've had so far!  It was put in during the 2nd operation, but I was fully conscious when it came out.  I'm not going into too much detail here, but I did yelp as it came out.

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